Organic Cotton

We’re committed to supporting wildlife wherever possible and this includes our focus on being the most sustainable company we can. That’s why all our products are ✿ 100% organic cotton ✿

Currently roughly 1% of global cotton production is organic, yet it has massive benefits over conventional cotton.

No pesticides are used

Organic cotton is non-GMO and crucially there are no pesticides used. Pesticides used in the production of non-organic cotton can seep into the groundwater eventually contaminating rivers and having an impact on wildlife.

It’s better on your skin

Most organic cotton feels softer and is less likely to irritate, it’ss is cotton in its natural form without and pesticides or nasty chemicals.

It’s more water efficient

Organic cotton is produced using 91 per cent less ‘blue’ water (from groundwater, lakes and reservoirs) and the water pollution impact of organic cotton has been shown to be 98 per cent less than non-organic cotton production.

You can read more about organic cotton through the Soil Association

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